Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Chathurika Peris

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Chathurika Peiris is a Sri Lankan actress that appears in both television and movies in Sri Lanka. She has been working on making a name for herself in the movie industry and now she has her first film. The movie is called ‘’ 'Aadaraneeya Wassana
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She has been working on making a name for herself in the movie industry and now she has her first film. The movie is called ‘’ 'Aadaraneeya Wassanaya ‘’ which translates to ‘’Love in Autumn’’. She has had success in the television drama ‘’ Sooriya Daruvo’’ which translates to ‘’Children of the Sun God’’. In this television production, she plays the lead role. She is playing a teenager that deals with her love life and the daily problems of her family. She has said that she and the character were the same that she ‘’”didn’t play for the camera the camera was played for her”’’.http://srilankan-actress.blogspot.com/2009/03/chathurika-peris-sri-lankan-actress.html5

Chaturika has been in almost ten television productions. She was a schoolchild when she received her first role. The titles of the movies she has been in so far are ‘’ Yaso Mandiraya’’, ‘’ 'Ranmasu Vessa’’ Some of her dramas have not yet been televised. Some are still waiting to appear on television. In addition, one such drama is ‘’Ranga Vijithaya’’. That television movie was film in Australia. In 2008 she appeared in ‘’Machan’’ the film that was concerning some unlikely handball players that found a ticket to the tournament in Bavaria. They see this ticket as their opportunity to find wealth in another country.http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2932349/6

Chathurika is linked to Roshan Pilapitiya her co-star on the television show called ‘’Sulanf Kapolla’’ and they plan to marry in the future.http://www.dailymirror.lk/print/index.php/life/132-life/4813.html7 they have recently filmed the marriage in the film. Now they will play the role of husband and wife in the latest television show called ‘’Sulang Kapolla’’. This story is based on a serial that appears in the Ridma tabloid written by Nijal Peiris
She has been working on making a name for herself in the movie industry and now she has her first film. The movie is called ‘’ 'Aadaraneeya Wassanaya ‘’ which translates to ‘’Love in Autumn’’. She has had success in the television drama ‘’ Sooriya Daruvo’’ which translates to ‘’Children of the Sun God’’. In this television production, she plays the lead role. She is playing a teenager that deals with her love life and the daily problems of her family. She has said that she and the character..


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